Mental Health Services
We provide mental health counseling, education, and consultation that supports the emotional and relational wellbeing of babies, children, teens, and their families and caregivers. We use practices that have been shown to result in the best results for diverse children, adolescents, and families. Examples include Promoting First Relationships, Child Parent Psychotherapy, Equine Assisted Psychotherapy (Eagala), and the Neurosequential Model of Therapeutics.
Infant & Early Childhood Mental Health Counseling
Child, Adolescent & Family Counseling
Mental Health Consultation
Coordinated Care
Optum/United Behavioral Health
Premera (BlueCrossBlueShield)
United HealthCare
We are currently working on becoming credentialed as providers in network with additional insurance companies and will update this list as applicable.
Out of Pocket
If we are not in network with your insurance company or you would prefer that your insurance company not have access to any records related to the behavioral health services you receive, you may opt to pay for services out of pocket. This means that you would pay the full rate for all services provided to you at the time of each session. If your insurance offers partial reimbursement for services from out of network providers, we can provide master bills for you to submit for reimbursement of fees you have paid for our services. Reduced rates are available for some clients based on financial need. Please contact us to request more information about our sliding scale if financial accommodation is necessary for you to access services.
Contracts & Grants
Some services such as Infant-Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation and Promoting First Relationships may be available to you at no cost through contracts we have with partner organizations or grants we have received to fund specific services for particular clients. Please contact us if you believe you may be eligible for contract- or grant-funded services and would like to schedule an appointment.